
I am happy to hear from publicists about review opportunities. However, please keep the following in mind when you pitch. All review requests and pitches are subject to the following.
§  I do not schedule review dates.
§  Please keep a three month time frame in mind while pitching.

I love hearing about new books, but if I don’t respond to your pitch, please don’t take it personally – I receive many pitches, and in order to save time, I usually don’t respond to the ones I’m not interested in. Please don’t take that as a sign that you shouldn’t pitch other books to me in the future though.
When pitching, please include the following information in the body of the email, not in an attachment: the book’s title, author, a summary, the publisher, and the release date. While I do accept attachments, I prefer all the above information included in the body of an email to be consumed at a quick glance.
Please make sure you review this review policy in its entirety before sending a pitch, though; when I receive pitches, I assume the sender is familiar with my policy.

Books/Genres I Don't Review:
  • Poems
  • Hardcore Erotica
  • Textbooks (duh!)
  • Books containing explicit content

do not accept self-published books for review. There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule.

I do not accept ebook copies for reviewing at all. No exceptions. Sorry.

Blog Tours:
I happily participate in blog tours and spotlights.

Author Interviews, Guest Posts, and Giveaways:
If you want me to conduct an interview with you, kindly notify me 3 weeks in advance.

ARCs vs. Finished Copies:
While I prefer finished copies to ARCs, I will happily accept either format for review. 

I prefer autographed copies of books with a personalized message for me, so that I can post its picture on twitter and instagram. If you want me to publish my review on any other place besides my blog and Goodreads (COMPULSORY), let me know.


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