Sunday, August 25, 2019

#BookReview: Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin


3.5/5 Book Emojis

Format Used: 


Publisher - Penguin Books 

Pages - 150

Link to Amazon


"I scarcely know how to describe that room. It became, in a way, every room I had ever been in and every room I find myself in hereafter will remind me of Giovanni’s room."
Animated GIFGiovanni‘s Room is a book about an American man named David who decides to move to Paris to start a new life. One day, in a mutual friend’s bar, he meets this Italian bartender named Giovanni and feels things he otherwise considered sinful and immoral. Through the course of the book, we see David’s journey and acceptance of his desires and we see how things with Giovanni take an unexpected turn affecting David’s life in unfortunate ways. 

I took up this book after accepting recommendations on queer classics through the centuries. James Baldwin, a black American man who provided his support for the Gay Liberation and Civil Rights Movement, is easily considered an iconic voice otherwise marginalised. He lived for a notable period in Paris and this experience is beautifully captured in the book. 

I personally felt that this book, like Oscar Wilde’s Picture of Dorian Gray, was casually sexist. Though maybe not true to the perceptions of the author, but very illustrative of the mindset of the gay community who grew spiteful of women after being expected to have relations with them in a highly heteronormative society. 

Conclusion: I really liked it mostly because it is very reflective of one of my own past relationship with this particular person and how things don’t always go right even when there is attraction between the two people.

Monday, August 12, 2019

#Review: An American Marriage - Tayari Jones


4/5 Book Emojis

Format Used: 


Publisher - HarperCollins India 

Pages - 308

Link to Amazon

*Note: I received a review copy of this book from the publisher HarperCollins India, for an honest review. The views below are unbiased and solely my own.


"The vast generosity of women is a mysterious tunnel, and nobody knows where it leads. The writing on the walls spells out trick questions, and as a man, you must know that you cannot reason your way out."

African American Love GIFAn American Marriage by Tayari Jones is a novel about a newlywed couple- Celestial and Roy. Through a series of events, Roy is incarcerated and the couple is left struggling to find balance and stability. When Roy is back, everything about his life has changed, including the one outside. We find out will he be able to find his place in the world or not. 

Which Means I Always Live With The Sense That There Is Something Scary Out There GIF by Closer Than They Appear
This is a more than just contemporary fiction. This is powerful literature about black lives in the 21st century and everything that’s wrong with the system. This is a family drama and a good one at that. It gives you unsettling and warm feelings throughout the book that don’t let you put it down. Tayari sure knows how to pen her words to perfectly encapsulate real feelings of fictional people with life-like problems that unfortunately aren’t widely brought to limelight. Our current world is whitewashed and the media portrays it that way too, missing out on the reality of the lives of PoC. She is well known for writing books on/about Atlanta and everything about the southern American life.

The story was really good, though not perfect, and the execution was immaculate. I honestly felt the pace of the ending didn’t match the rest of the book and I also wished to be able to highlighting quotable lines, which there weren’t many.

CONCLUSION: Do I think this book was extremely perfect? No. But do I think you all should read it for it’s warmth and realness? BIG YES.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

#Review: The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde


5/5 Book Emojis

Format Used: 


Publisher - Penguin Classics 

Pages - 253

Link to Amazon

*Note: I bought a copy of this book with my own money and no publisher commissioned me to read it. The views below are solely my own.


"It was his beauty that had ruined him, his beauty and the youth that he had prayed for."
The Picture of Dorian Gray is a story written by Oscar Wilde for the July 1890 issue of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine about a painter named Basil Hallward whose life crosses with a handsome man named Dorian Gray whom he idealises for his beauty, artistic features and youth. Basil’s friend Lord Henry Wotton is curious of the man who had such an impact on the works of his friends and meets with him. Henry interests Dorian with his philosophical perspective of the world and his cynics towards intellect. Dorian is moved by Henry’s thoughts on how youth and beauty is all vanity and should be celebrated before one loses it to aging. 

Petrus Christus Art GIF by Adam FerrissThrough this book, we see how Dorian tries to escape losing his beauty that was portrayed in a painting by Basil that make him lose his touch with morality.
Soon after its release, the story was widely criticised for its subtle but significant hints of homosexual tension. Though, quite a few people appreciate it for it’s high intellect and psychological backdrop. The concept of art and beauty is very well talked about and Wilde doesn’t leave a single opportunity to elaborate his views and to project the depths of his mind to the readers.

Ben Barnes Ella GIF
The writing style is extremely iconic and the literary devices used are phenomenally executed. There’s no better person to write such a story than Oscar Wilde that shaped the Decandence Movement into what it was for England and for the rest of the world. 

CONCLUSION:  I definitely recommend this book to every person who understands the true essence of English literature and perceives philosophy well. A masterpiece for all intellectuals!